What's Your Approach to Sales Recruitment?

Our sales recruitment process helps to identify salespeople who will succeed in your specific and individually defined sales environment. We work with you to help articulate the unique skills and attributes required of a salesperson in your organisation and begin the candidate assessment process.

The sales recruitment process ensures that only those salespeople with objectively identified skills, strengths, mindset, and environmental compatibility will be put forward for an interview – saving you effort, time, and cost.

Before you begin reading resumes or speaking with applicants, we recommend using a sales candidate assessment. Our expert sales recruitment consultants will also support you to "park existing bias" and better screen for values and cultural alignment—allowing you to move away from purely behavioural-based screening.

Why invest in sales recruitment consulting?

Have you ever hired someone you thought would be a fantastic salesperson and then discovered they were just a nice person who couldn't close a deal? Unfortunately, this is a common situation, and many businesses are dealing with the financial burden of a recruitment process gone wrong all too often.

In our proven sales recruitment process, applicants are objectively screened using the Objective Management Group’s (OMG) Sales Candidate Assessment to ensure you only consider candidates who can and will sell your product in your defined market.

A highly accurate sales recruitment tool, the Sales Candidate Assessment is a unique screening process developed exclusively to identify salespeople who will succeed in specific sales environments. It eliminates those candidates that may look and sound like salespeople but who simply won’t succeed in driving performance.

How our sales recruitment process works

Backed by science and predictive validity, the Objective Management Group’s highly accurate and customisable assessments reliably and consistently help sales leaders hire only the best salespeople. The tool was recognised as having a predictive validity of 95% after being validated by two PhD studies and is deemed the world’s number one sales assessment tool.

Our sales recruitment experience

Our expert team has supported Australian businesses with their sales recruitment programs for over two decades. As a result, we have significant experience and skills in identifying the optimal salespeople for an organization. We work with companies of every size across an extensive breadth of industries.

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